German Offshore Windenergy
It is not just a new market but a completely new industry in Germany!
The requirements for shipping companies and owners of wind-farms are very much different to those in coastal trade or routine marine business. They are mainly oriented towards the introduced standards of 'oil & gas'. We see a need to find a compromise between the extremely high standards of 'oil & gas' and the economical power of 'offshore wind'. We also see the necessity of safety in the rather lower but still high risk environment compared to 'oil & gas'.
This requires a change in attitude by all actors.
As Germany's oldest Offshore-Consultant (about us...) we will be happy to support your project in development and execution of the required actions starting from preliminary analysises of the construction field and the development and design of special purpose ships and their unique bridge concepts, risk assessment, training concepts for ships crew and erection teams and finilizing in continuous data collection during and after the construction phase.